Free Doug the Dung Beetle Activity book for iPad

iBookstore front cover for Doug activity book

This is a special big thank you gift to all of you for reading my cartoons and ‘liking’ Doug the Dung Beetle (undoubtedly one of my favourite characters).

To get this May Friday freebie, all you need is an iPad and you can download it to your iBooks App. Here are some quick links to your country’s iTunes store

USACanadaAustraliaUKNew Zealand

Come on, do a bit of finger exercising and click a link above to download.

And if you don’t have an iPad, but still want a freebie, click here to see what other freeebies are available.

Gnat woes

Wine glass full of gnatI became intrigued by the glow worm when I initially created this glow worm cartoon (boy, the drawings have improved since then, haven’t they?) early on in my website. It was then that I discovered that the glow worm was part of a four stage cycle (egg, glow worm, pupa and gnat/fly). The last stage purely involves reproduction and hence no time to eat, so no need for a mouth I guess.

The importance of naming your property


Richard the third found at last

Lost king foundYou may recall the recent discovery of King Richard in a car park in February 2013. It’s taken me this long to actually getting around to drawing this.



Wordplay Wednesday – Wingdings

Dung symbol

The power of gas

Doug dung beetle takes to the airThis week we’re celebrating all things to do with Doug – because we can.


The needle in the haystack

Doug the dung beetle's first book

I’m very excited to be releasing my first children’s picture book starring Doug the Dung Beetle – The Long Roll Home.

It’s now available in Apple’s iBookstore (or iTunes) for your iPad (also coming out soon as hardback on Amazon).

But that’s enough of a plug, as now I have a favour to ask you and as you know I don’t ask for many favours.

Please check out the book if you have an iPad. I admit that dung mightn’t be your cup of tea (and if not, then why not by now?). So don’t feel obliged to buy, but please tell a friend, who might be interested in a bit of toilet humour.

Yep, this is my flashy marketing campaign – word of mouth – and it all starts with you!

Hopefully it will not end in Chinese whispers with a result of ‘Mug the Coffee Cup – the long cold drink’. Here’s to becoming a big, shiny pitchfork in the haystack!

Fish evolution Take 7

Fish evolution to land

Fish evolution Take 6

Fish evolution to land