Richard the third found at last

Lost king foundYou may recall the recent discovery of King Richard in a car park in February 2013. It’s taken me this long to actually getting around to drawing this.



Wordplay Wednesday – Wingdings

Dung symbol

The power of gas

Doug dung beetle takes to the airThis week we’re celebrating all things to do with Doug – because we can.


The needle in the haystack

Doug the dung beetle's first book

I’m very excited to be releasing my first children’s picture book starring Doug the Dung Beetle – The Long Roll Home.

It’s now available in Apple’s iBookstore (or iTunes) for your iPad (also coming out soon as hardback on Amazon).

But that’s enough of a plug, as now I have a favour to ask you and as you know I don’t ask for many favours.

Please check out the book if you have an iPad. I admit that dung mightn’t be your cup of tea (and if not, then why not by now?). So don’t feel obliged to buy, but please tell a friend, who might be interested in a bit of toilet humour.

Yep, this is my flashy marketing campaign – word of mouth – and it all starts with you!

Hopefully it will not end in Chinese whispers with a result of ‘Mug the Coffee Cup – the long cold drink’. Here’s to becoming a big, shiny pitchfork in the haystack!

Fish evolution Take 7

Fish evolution to land

Fish evolution Take 6

Fish evolution to land

The fish evolution to land continues

fish evolution to landThis week is dedicated to exploring how fish managed to evolve from ocean to land – and a few of the steps that didn’t quite work along the way.

For newbies to the site, check out the previous attempts:

Fabulous Friday freebie

april freebie bookmark image

It’s Friday and one Friday of every month is fabulous, because I give away yet another freebie. A modest contribution today for all bookworms – a printable bookmark.

Click here to whizz through to our freebies page and download this file and many other freebies!

And as we say here in Australia – ‘Ava great weekend’

His home was his castle
