Fabulous Friday Freebie for November

This month, a modest freebie, but a fun one for the kids.  Doug reappears with a dot to dot drawing.

To download your freebie, zip through cyber space and land on the Freebie page.

Royal accessory #19

Must have toys for the royal family

Anyone for pancakes?

Dung beetle eating a pancake

And then you hear those words from behind ‘Are we there yet?’

Symbiotic relationship downside

Yes, the final of my one, two, three (above) 39th Piracicaba International Humor Competition entries.  Maybe lost in translation – if you read portuguese, let me know how I went with the translation.

portuguese cartoon

Monday morning toilet humour

Toilet humour and dung beetles

Home sweet home

doug dung beetle's cousin the dweller dung beetle



Work hazards

goldfish in the wishing fountain duck



Like a frog in a pot

little green aliens having a spa


Remember the good old days?

The goldfish in the wishing well

What comes first?

what comes first the caption or the cartoon

Like the chicken versus the egg quandary of who came first, the same can be asked of the single panel cartoon – does the caption or the cartoon come first?  Well, at least we can provide an answer to this one – in sorts.  The caption comes first (for me), but for others, it’s the drawing that comes first.  I recently read this post from Bob Mankoff, chief cartoon editor of the New Yorker, discussing this very topic called First things First (unless they’re second).