Dinosaur bones with a difference

Dinosaur fossils (Latin  fossus, meaning ‘having been dug up’) aren’t made of bone, they are made from rock (silica).

According to Wiki there are 6 ways of achieving this, but I’ll only describe the permineralization process. First, the dinosaur had to die and be covered up pretty much immediately (such as sinking in mud) before the scavengers found it. As time passes, more sediment covers the remains and the flesh starts to rot away, leaving only the bones which decay slower.  As they decay, groundwater carrying rich minerals seep into where the bone once was. Effectively it is a mineral replacement process with the replacing of ‘bone’ mineral with ‘rock’ mineral. Once the bone has all been replaced you have a perfect replica of the original bone, but now made from rock.

Thanks to Murphy, our beautiful lady golden retriever, for modelling for this cartoon.

Here Fido – Fetch!

And you guessed it, the topic for today is the boomerang.  Some boomerang facts you might not have known:

  1. Boomerangs are not solely native to Australia – Boomerangs have been found world-wide, including Egypt.  Our favourite pharaoh, King Tut possessed a few boomerangs, some  plated in gold – now that’s my kind of stick!
  2. Not all boomerangs are designed to return – there are two types: ‘returning’ and ‘hunting’. The non returning ‘hunting’ variety are typically used to knock down the prey and travel straight, rather than curved.
  3. The oldest ever found boomerang is about 30,000 years old and was found in a cave in Poland. It was made from a mammoth’s tusk
  4. The smallest boomerang to travel over 20m was weeny s a teeny-48mm

Catch 22

I was recently asked to make a cartoon on cats. Being a dog lover, I possibly was not the right person to ask. Sorry Hilary and any other cat lovers out there.


It’s a treasure hunt!

Life begins at 40 – for some it’s earlier